Resurrection Sunday

by Diane Betker

Chestnut Ridge, Resurrection Sunday

After winter one might look around and everything appears to be dead.  Everything seems dark and gloomy.  We went walking at Chestnut Ridge on Resurrection Sunday.  Dead trees had fallen, no longer reaching for the sky.  Decaying wood from all of winters storms just seem to lay amongst the ground.  Waiting, waiting to become the nourishment, the food for new growth.  Under what appears to be dead is new life.  

A walk in the woods, what do you see?  Where is your focus?  Can you see it?  Can you feel it?  There is new life everywhere.  It's where you are looking, sometimes you need to dig beneath the dead stuff to see the new rising!  New rising amongst all the yuck.  Sometimes in life our past or the things right now that seem so dark are nourishing your future!  What I've become is because of my past.  The good and the bad has nourished it and gave me this new life, this new life that reaches for the light.  He is the light in the darkness.  The resurrection life!

So as I walked in the woods that day I took a picture of the bright beautiful sun to save for a rainy day. I thought, what a beautiful day it is.  Nature always makes me think of Him, the one who holds the Sun in place.  The one who made the universe, and yet here I am, here we are, living our lives.  If He created all things and all things are beautiful, we are beautiful.  This picture lets us know we are never alone on our simple walks in the woods.  In the gloom, amongst the dead things, life is all around waiting to show itself!