What I saw this morning....
By Erin Paolercio
As I woke up, the first thought I had was, "More sleep please!!" The morning began, and I thought about what tasks were beckoning me: start the coffee, get the boys clothes ready, make their lunches, gets backpacks organized, etc, etc. Followed by other plans throughout the day, and upcoming week. Suddenly this phrase filled my heart, "You are forge a Spirit led path through the cycles of life." My heart quickened as I remembered the incredible moments of His presence I have been experiencing, especially over the past weeks and this weekend. I remembered the psalm Aimee declared over our church, and how what we have been praying for, crying out for....is in view. And I was able to then pause, and take in His truth and some thoughts I pray will bless your heart today.
Life & creation moves in cycles. The world turns, change, life grows & matures, we age, etc. Sometimes we especially feel this cycle within our own schedules as the hours flow into the next, the routines of daily life swing back around come morning. How about laundry?!? We know how that cycles...clothes get cleaned & folded and the next day they are smothered in chocolate pudding (if you have young kids lol). Women in general also have our lovely monthly cycle which,putting it nicely, is a challenge at times. ;). I could go on & on about cycles.... And yet, our amazing and beautiful God, who set life into motion, is not subject to the cycles of life. He does not bow down to the framework of time and routines. He rules over them, and sometimes invades them. I can't help but think of the scripture in Romans (8:20-21) that says,"The creation was subjected to frustration, not by it's own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God.". By His truth I understand that though I am dealing with some of the frustrations that are a part of life, my God wants me to experience His "glorious freedom" within my heart. A glorious freedom declares, "I will forge a Spirit led path through the cycles of life."
In this path I see worship, praise, knowledge of Him, prioritized time in His presence, prayer, fellowship, edifying & encouraging those in my sphere and beyond....it goes on. Yes, the cycles of life may circle around us, but yet we are forging a path. I see this in the Wife of Noble Character, portrayed so beautifully in Proverbs 31. This whole description closes by acknowledging how. "A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.". How does a woman walk victoriously through the cycles, tasks, responsibilities...cycles of life? By fearing the Lord, honoring Him first, prioritizing His presence.....being able to joyfully "laugh at the days to come," as her children feel the overflow of that kind of joy (can I get an amen)?!?
In Psalm 34 David declares how he will "extol the Lord at ALL times," and how "His praise will ALWAYS be on my lips." Further he says in verse 5, "those who look to Him are radiant...". This past Friday night during our special night of worship, I kept hearing these words...."radiating glory.". I believe with all my heart that our church, the of Christ will experience His beautiful radiating glory in the days ahead.
Lord God, may I, we all, forge a Spirit-led path in the midst of all of life's cycles...lead us on by Your truth and presence. May our hearts be prepared and ready for all You desire to unfold to us personally and corporately. Thank You Lord for the awesome reminders You bring to our hearts everyday, and may our lives radiate Your beauty and glory!