Determined - Distinct - Destined
Posted by Caralee at 12:46 PM
Lovely ladies......over the past few months we have heard from various leaders calling us to be a house of prayer. We have also been hearing the word breakthrough being spoken out over us for 2017. This journey is taking me into the Word of God and to discover what exactly is prayer?
God is calling us up higher and He is opening books of revelation so that His Kingdom purposes may fill the earth. Last Tuesday night Susan Morino shared a message and a word from the Lord concerning prayer. I quote her " The Lord told her, " I'm listening, I'm waiting, I'm here. I'm waiting to hear a sound from each of my children. I need them to realize as they seek the meaning of House of Prayer, that I've called them to as an individual, it will lead to an understanding of what I want them to partake in the corporate house of prayer. I want to stretch them and there is a sound that will come from the body that will be unlike anything else that has been heard..... " So pray with me.......Lord we ask for a Spirit of revelation and truth to open our eyes and ears and our understanding into your truths. Amen
PART ONE : So we need to ask some questions, what is prayer ? What happens when we pray ? How did Jesus teach us to pray ? Do we have a clear understanding as to just what is happening in the spirit as we pray ? When we pray we are entering into a spiritual conflict. We are engaging and petitioning God for answers, but at the same time engaging the powers of darkness that want to resist your prayers. Daniel 10:12-14 the angel says to Daniel, " do not fear from the first day your words were heard, and I have come because of your WORDS.
Daniel 10:12-14 is a perfect example of this activity. Daniel prays for 21 days and during this time there is a battle in the heavens holding up his answer. Ask yourself, do you have prayers that you have been praying for years but not seen the answers for ? I know I do. Where is the conflict ? Instead of getting frustrated or putting more effort into doing the same thing over and over again and striving. Lets dig in together to discover the hidden secrets and truths in God's Word that will bring about the breakthrough we need. John 8:32 will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
How did Jesus teach us to pray ? In Matthew 6 and Luke 11 Jesus is teaching about prayer. He first speaks about prayer as flowing from the relationship of a son or daughter to a father. Then He taught about prayer as a friend approaching a friend. The third way He taught about prayer was of a widow seeking justice in a courtroom in Luke 18:1-8. The activity of this prayer or encounter takes place in the courtroom. This widow cries out for justice from her adversary. The word adversary in the Greek is anti-dikos which means... one who brings a law suit to deny you your rights.
This is why Jesus was speaking this parable. He was unlocking a secret that some prayers take place in a courtroom. When the widow wanted justice, she didn't go to the battlefield. Jesus never taught about prayer on a battlefield. The widow went to the courtroom. She realized she didn't need to march onto a battlefield and yell at her adversary. She simply needed a verdict from the court and judge. She didn't even address her adversary.
Revelation 12:10 talks about the devil, our accuser who stands before the throne day and night bringing accusations against you. The accuser is bringing charges up against you in a judicial why are we going out unto a battlefield to fight. ? We need to be like the widow in bringing our cases to the courtroom of heaven to judge.
Any adversary that is resisting God's Kingdom purpose for us will have to bow their knee to the verdicts from the courts of heaven. All we need is a legal precedent based on a verdict from heaven and the fight is over. That is good news ! We are on this journey together but we need an understanding of just where are we going. Let's learn how to operate within these courts, learn the language of the courts, and present our cases........ see you in court ! Diane
Watch for part 2...... coming soon !
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3D Woman Buffalo is a satellite of the national 3D Woman Ministry and Television show, directed by co-founder of 3D Woman, Rev. Aimee Reid-Sych. Pastor Delia Knox visioneered the 3D Woman with this purpose: 3D Woman consists of Women from three dimensions; the Single woman, the Wife, and the Mother, who walk in all three dimensions of a 3D Women - Determination, Distinction, and Destiny. We are Women who collectively as One People, One Call, are determined to live in a manner of distinction, being set apart, to live our lives in the destiny God has purposed for us.
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