Matthew 17:20 (AMP) For truly I say to you, if you have faith [that is living] like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, move from here to yonder place, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.
What Does a Breakthrough Look Like?
Many times when I hear the words "break through," I picture doors bursting wide open that were once sealed up, or the smashing of a brick something you would see from a superhero movie (as my boys love to mimic, "Hulk smash!"). We know as children of God that a "break through" often describes a moment of victory, either in our own lives or in some kind of circumstance connected to us. Breakthroughs resound with joy, healing, revelation and many times bring us to a higher place of faith.
I love break throughs. I love the incredible encouragement they bring. I love those moments when my heart cries out, "Yes! A true shift has happened!"
Some breakthroughs can happen suddenly, or with great momentum. I've witnessed that. Yet, I also believe breakthroughs don't always happen immediately, or over night. Prayer, perseverance and continuous trust in God are all part of the journey leading us to breakthrough moments. We sow precious seeds of faith and prayer into the soil of our lives and our spheres of influence....and then we wait. And wait. And sometimes wait a bit longer. Sometimes for years. Sometimes our tears become like rain, watering our prayers of faith. Our worship opens the window of our hearts to the beautiful warmth of the Son, radiating beams hope within our souls...bringing us the nourishment of God's very presence.
And the seed grows. Slowly. Hidden and unseen. The roots go deeper, developing an incredible system that encompasses absorption, support, nutrient storage and reproduction. The root systems become a true anchor for whatever it is connected to and upholding.... our seeds of faith. What we are hoping for, praying for...believing for. I am reminded of the tap root illustration Pastor Aimee gave us last year at Bible Study, as we are becoming like that tree, "planted by streams of living water." Rooted and established in the incredible love of our Father.
Picture with me a sweet little sunflower shoot, ever so slowly finding it's way through the soil, reaching and reaching upward until the surface opens. Pressing upward, through the dirt...through the surroundings of earthen sod where the seed was first planted. It rises higher....and higher. Then, ever so beautifully, the green color of life emerges. 🌱 I think sometimes a breakthrough looks like that. The incredible process leading to that shoot rising was hidden and unseen, and yet so significant and necessary. Breakthroughs are the harvest of what was planted in faith...and what was developed in the waiting. It remains rooted, yet has risen to meet the atmosphere for which it was designed to thrive. The picture you first saw introducing this blog shows a child, taking delight in a sweet little plant growing. I see in this picture an expression of faith and wonder. You see, even after this little plant has broken through, there is more life to be lived, more growth to take place. In fact, a breakthrough not only represents victory...but a brand new beginning.
That little green shoot will keep rising and is far from finished...
Determined - Distinct - Destined
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3D Woman Buffalo is a satellite of the national 3D Woman Ministry and Television show, directed by co-founder of 3D Woman, Rev. Aimee Reid-Sych. Pastor Delia Knox visioneered the 3D Woman with this purpose: 3D Woman consists of Women from three dimensions; the Single woman, the Wife, and the Mother, who walk in all three dimensions of a 3D Women - Determination, Distinction, and Destiny. We are Women who collectively as One People, One Call, are determined to live in a manner of distinction, being set apart, to live our lives in the destiny God has purposed for us.
Our mission is to encourage, empower and equip women to be determined to carry out their God given assignment, to be distinct, walking in the dominion and divine destiny as purposed by God.
This blog will provide a personal connect between our leadership and it's viewers, presenting shared life-giving experiences, heart-to-heart thoughts, and revelation from the Holy Spirit and the Word.
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